Privacy Policy

Last updated July 19, 2022

Haverhill Gatherings (“Haverhill”, “we”, “us”, “our”) appreciates the time you spend with us and values your right to privacy. It means a lot that you trust us with your most memorable gatherings, and with those comes the exchange of some personal information. The goal of this policy is to clearly explain specifically what information we may gather from you on our website,, and how we’ll handle it. Please review the following sections and if you are not comfortable about this policy in part or in whole, please discontinue your use of this website.

1. How might we gather your information?

We do not use cookies or other automatic tracking technologies to gather your information. We only gather information via forms and e-mail links that offer you a chance to decide what information to provide. We may use third party advertising services from time to time that use tracking technologies to show you ads that they deem relevant.

2. What information might we gather?

Forms on our website may request:

- Names and contact information for you and other event hosts and guests

- Information about the desired location and guest count of your event(s)

- Your target budget range for the event(s)

- Status of any vendor engagements

- Interesting facts about the hosts that may assist us in personalizing the event

3. How will the information we gather be shared?

We will only share the information we gather for legitimate business purposes or as required under contract or by law. We may share information in the following circumstances:

- With other vendors, contractors, or employees directly involved with your event

- With vendors that we use, such as accounting software providers, payment processing services, web hosting services, and marketing consultants

- As legally required by an applicable law, governmental request, or court order

4. What privacy rights do you have regarding the information we collect?

You may review the information of yours that we collect at any time. You may also request that we modify or delete any of the information that we’ve gathered, and we will make reasonable efforts to accommodate such a request.

Specific visitors have specifically-defined rights as follows:

- California residents, under California Civil Code Section 1798.83, may obtain from us information regarding which categories of personal information, if any, we may have disclosed to third parties for marketing purposes. Such a request can be made once per year and we will provide the names and addresses of all third parties with whom we shared personal information in the last calendar year free of charge.

- European Economic Area residents have the right to complain to their local data protection supervisory authority upon suspicion that we are unlawfully processing personal information. Those authorities are listed here:

5. Do we collect information from minors?

We do not knowingly collect information from visitors under 18 years of age. By visiting and continuing to use this website, you represent that you are at least 18 years of age.

Please reach out to with any questions regarding this policy.